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Adjust Data Management Records

Existing records may be adjusted via the data management grids that are listed in any Data Management pane. The process below will show/demonstrate how to edit existing equipment records from the equipment table using the equipment data management grid. The same process will be applicable for editing records from other tables, although the fields and validation will be different.

  1. Select the Equipment item in the Equipment > Manage Equipment menu.
  2. A grid will appear to the right listing all the records currently maintained within the Equipment table.

  3. Locate the record that needs to be altered. Use Filtering, Grouping and Sorting to locate the records that require changes.

  4. Double click on a cell to enable editing.

    Note: Columns with a white background are read only fields that cannot be edited.

  5. Make the necessary changes. Navigate across the fields by pressing Tab or clicking on a field to enable edit mode to make other field changes.

    Note: On all non-numeric fields a drop down list will appear as you type a value in, from where a value may be selected. Alternatively you can select the drop down arrow and select a value from the list.

  6. Select the Save button to save the record. A message will be placed in the Status Bar stating the record number and status of the save.

    Note: Tabbing off the last field (Fleet) or by clicking on another record WILL NOT automatically save the changes. The Save button must be used to save any changes.


  1. Hover over the message in the Status Bar to open up the Message panel. The message will disappear after a few seconds, alternatively you can select the Dismiss button to remove the message.

Note: If you navigate to another page before saving your changes the following window will be displayed from where you can continue without saving the changes, save the changes or go back to the page you were making the changes on.

Please refer to the Data Management Validation topic for information on data validation.